All items are subject to handling period of 1-2 business days before they are dispatched for shipping. Your order will be shipped within 1-2 business days of payment. We will notify you by email when your items have been shipped.
You will receive your tracking number by email within a few days of order. You can check the status of your order on our Track Order page. Please ensure you have entered the code correctly. Should you continue to encounter any error, please send us a message at
Sometimes the postal tracking service marks an order as delivered when it has reached your local post office, even if you may not have received your package. In this case, please wait a few days for the post office to deliver the package to your home or you can contact your local post office as they may hold the item for you.
If for any reason your items have not arrived within the stipulated time, please reach out to us at and we will take care of the problem right away.
This depends on where you live. The package will be delivered to your home, mailbox, porch, or local post office with a notice left on your mailbox.
Most orders will be available for pickup from your local post office once you receive a notice letter by your mailbox. This also happens if the mailman has attempted delivery to your home but no one was there to accept it and it could not be left anywhere safe.